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Check if an stl file may contain two models

An stl file may contain 2 3D models. Is there any way I can detect if there are 2 or more models stored in one stl file?

In my current code, it can detect that there are 2 models in the example, but there are instances that it detects a lot of model even though it only has one.

The Triangle class structure has Vertices that contains 3 points (x, y, z)..

Sample STL File:

enter image description here

EDIT: Using @Gebb's answer this is how I implemented it:

private int GetNumberOfModels(List<TopoVertex> vertices)
        Vertex[][] triangles = new Vertex[vertices.Count() / 3][];

        int vertIdx = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < vertices.Count() / 3; i++)
            Vertex v1 = new Vertex(vertices[vertIdx].pos.x, vertices[vertIdx].pos.y, vertices[vertIdx].pos.z);
            Vertex v2 = new Vertex(vertices[vertIdx + 1].pos.x, vertices[vertIdx + 1].pos.y, vertices[vertIdx + 1].pos.z);
            Vertex v3 = new Vertex(vertices[vertIdx + 2].pos.x, vertices[vertIdx + 2].pos.y, vertices[vertIdx + 2].pos.z);

            triangles[i] = new Vertex[] { v1, v2, v3 };
            vertIdx += 3;
        var uniqueVertices = new HashSet<Vertex>(triangles.SelectMany(t => t));
        int vertexCount = uniqueVertices.Count;
        // The DisjointUnionSets class works with integers, so we need a map from vertex
        // to integer (its id).

        Dictionary<Vertex, int> indexedVertices = uniqueVertices
                Enumerable.Range(0, vertexCount),
                (v, i) => new { v, i })
            .ToDictionary(vi => vi.v, vi => vi.i);

        int[][] indexedTriangles =
            .Select(t => t.Select(v => indexedVertices[v]).ToArray())

        var du = new XYZ.view.wpf.DisjointUnionSets(vertexCount);

        // Iterate over the "triangles" consisting of vertex ids.
        foreach (int[] triangle in indexedTriangles)
            int vertex0 = triangle[0];
            // Mark 0-th vertexes connected component as connected to those of all other vertices.
            foreach (int v in triangle.Skip(1))
                du.Union(vertex0, v);

        var connectedComponents =
            new HashSet<int>(Enumerable.Range(0, vertexCount).Select(x => du.Find(x)));
        return connectedComponents.Count;

In some cases, it produces the correct output, but for the example image above, it outputs 3 instead of 2. I am now trying to optimize the snippet @Gebb gave to use float values since I believe that the floating points are necessary to the comparisons. Does anyone have a way to do that as well? Maybe I need another perspective.


  • You could do this by representing vertices and connections between them as a graph and finding the number of connected components of the graph with the help of the Disjoint-set data structure.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using Vertex = System.ValueTuple<double,double,double>;
    namespace UnionFindSample
        internal class DisjointUnionSets
            private readonly int _n;
            private readonly int[] _rank;
            private readonly int[] _parent;
            public DisjointUnionSets(int n)
                _rank = new int[n];
                _parent = new int[n];
                _n = n;
            // Creates n sets with single item in each
            public void MakeSet()
                for (var i = 0; i < _n; i++)
                    // Initially, all elements are in
                    // their own set.
                    _parent[i] = i;
            // Finds the representative of the set
            // that x is an element of.
            public int Find(int x)
                if (_parent[x] != x)
                    // if x is not the parent of itself, then x is not the representative of
                    // his set.
                    // We do the path compression by moving x’s node directly under the representative
                    // of this set.
                    _parent[x] = Find(_parent[x]);
                return _parent[x];
            // Unites the set that includes x and
            // the set that includes x
            public void Union(int x, int y)
                // Find representatives of two sets.
                int xRoot = Find(x), yRoot = Find(y);
                // Elements are in the same set, no need to unite anything.
                if (xRoot == yRoot)
                if (_rank[xRoot] < _rank[yRoot])
                    // Then move x under y so that depth of tree remains equal to _rank[yRoot].
                    _parent[xRoot] = yRoot;
                else if (_rank[yRoot] < _rank[xRoot])
                    // Then move y under x so that depth of tree remains equal to _rank[xRoot].
                    _parent[yRoot] = xRoot;
                    // if ranks are the same
                    // then move y under x (doesn't matter which one goes where).
                    _parent[yRoot] = xRoot;
                    // And increment the result tree's
                    // rank by 1
                    _rank[xRoot] = _rank[xRoot] + 1;
        internal class Program
            private static void Main(string[] args)
                string file = args[0];
                Vertex[][] triangles = ParseStl(file);
                var uniqueVertices = new HashSet<Vertex>(triangles.SelectMany(t => t));
                int vertexCount = uniqueVertices.Count;
                // The DisjointUnionSets class works with integers, so we need a map from vertex
                // to integer (its id).
                Dictionary<Vertex, int> indexedVertices = uniqueVertices
                        Enumerable.Range(0, vertexCount),
                        (v, i) => new {v, i})
                    .ToDictionary(vi => vi.v, vi => vi.i);
                int[][] indexedTriangles =
                    .Select(t => t.Select(v => indexedVertices[v]).ToArray())
                var du = new DisjointUnionSets(vertexCount);
                // Iterate over the "triangles" consisting of vertex ids.
                foreach (int[] triangle in indexedTriangles)
                    int vertex0 = triangle[0];
                    // Mark 0-th vertexes connected component as connected to those of all other vertices.
                    foreach (int v in triangle.Skip(1))
                        du.Union(vertex0, v);
                var connectedComponents =
                    new HashSet<int>(Enumerable.Range(0, vertexCount).Select(x => du.Find(x)));
                int count = connectedComponents.Count;
                Console.WriteLine($"Number of connected components: {count}.");
                var groups = triangles.GroupBy(t => du.Find(indexedVertices[t[0]]));
                foreach (IGrouping<int, Vertex[]> g in groups)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Group id={g.Key}:");
                    foreach (Vertex[] triangle in g)
                        string tr = string.Join(' ', triangle);
            private static Regex _triangleStart = new Regex(@"^\s+outer loop");
            private static Regex _triangleEnd = new Regex(@"^\s+endloop");
            private static Regex _vertex = new Regex(@"^\s+vertex\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)");
            private static Vertex[][] ParseStl(string file)
                double ParseCoordinate(GroupCollection gs, int i) =>
                    double.Parse(gs[i].Captures[0].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                var triangles = new List<Vertex[]>();
                bool isInsideTriangle = false;
                List<Vertex> triangle = new List<Vertex>();
                foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(file))
                    if (isInsideTriangle)
                        if (_triangleEnd.IsMatch(line))
                            isInsideTriangle = false;
                            triangle = new List<Vertex>();
                        Match vMatch = _vertex.Match(line);
                        if (vMatch.Success)
                            double x1 = ParseCoordinate(vMatch.Groups, 1);
                            double x2 = ParseCoordinate(vMatch.Groups, 2);
                            double x3 = ParseCoordinate(vMatch.Groups, 3);
                            triangle.Add((x1, x2, x3));
                        if (_triangleStart.IsMatch(line))
                            isInsideTriangle = true;
                return triangles.ToArray();

    I'm also using the fact that System.ValueTuple implements Equals and GetHashCode in an appropriate way, so we can easily compare vertices (this is used implicitly by HashSet) and use them as keys in a dictionary.