So I am creating a reddit bot. The scenario is that A posts a comment. B replies to that comment by invoking the bot. Typically snoostorm provides a comment object for B containing info about B and the original post. How do I get a comment object for A?
const Snoowrap = require('snoowrap');
const { CommentStream } = require('snoostorm');
const client = new Snoowrap({
userAgent: 'rpffdgfh',
clientId: 'Ddhjhfjsh',
clientSecret: 'kRHXydsgjgkjkjsjkgl',
username: 'botname',
password: 'botpass'
const canSummon = (msg) => {
return msg && msg.toLowerCase().includes('u/botname');
const comments = new CommentStream(client, {
subreddit: 'testingground4bots',
limit: 10,
pollTime: 10000
//info about original comment (in this case B)
comments.on('item', (item) => {
if (!canSummon(item.body)) return;
I've already read the docs of snoowrap. I cant find one for snoostorm. In short there is a lack of documentation or guides for creating complex reddit bots using javascript/node.js, while there are many readily available for python.
The Comment object has a property parent_id. You have to fetch the parent Comment to get the object.
comments.on('item', (item) => {
if (!canSummon(item.body)) return;
client.getComment(item.parent_id).fetch().then(parentComment => {
Snoostorm is just a wrapper for Snoowrap.