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Doctrine ODM - float field not working with decimal field

I have a document in doctrine with the field config set to

/** @ODM\Field(type="float") */
public $stock_price;

and on my mongodb the field has a validation for decimal

  stock_price: {
    bsonType: 'decimal',
    description: 'must be a decimal and is required'

When I try to store the values it return document validation failed or cannot convert decimal to float

$odm = new stock();
$odm->stock_price = 10.99;

return document validation failed

If I try to convert to mongo decimal, I got failed insert too.

$odm = new stock();
$odm->stock_price = new Decimal128("10.99");

return cannot convert decimal to float


  • Thanks @filipe for your explanation, but the solution I found for me, was change the validation to double, and all work fine.