Search code examples

extract fun:bad result in erlang module using Tsung

I'm writing a test using tsung extended by erlang modules, but I always get the same error and don't even send anything to the server.

the error is:

=INFO REPORT==== 7-Oct-2019::21:12:17 ===
      ts_search:(7:<0.181.0>) found module name: "test"
=INFO REPORT==== 7-Oct-2019::21:12:17 ===
      ts_search:(7:<0.181.0>) found function name: "authenticate"
=INFO REPORT==== 7-Oct-2019::21:12:17 ===
      ts_search:(4:<0.181.0>) extract fun:bad result <<57,...,49>>

My tsung session is:

    <session name="authenticate" weight="1" type="ts_raw">                         
       <request subst="true">
         <raw data="%%test:authenticate%%" ack="local"></raw>

My module is:




authenticate({Pid, DynData}) ->
   test_protobuf:encode_msg(#'Authenticate'{user="user", pass="pass"}).

And I'm using the erlang compiler:

What should I do?


  • The Tsung function that calls your authenticate/1 function, ts_search:extract_function/5, expects a return value of either an integer or a string, but your function is returning a binary. Change it to

    authenticate({Pid, DynData}) ->
        binary_to_list(test_protobuf:encode_msg(#'Authenticate'{user="user", pass="pass"})).