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Are aliased functions optimized in Erlang

Say i have a function that is exported from a module, but the modules uses the function many times.

So i wrote an alias, because i'm lazy when i code.


get_toolkit() -> 
    ... code ... code ... 
    ... code ... code ... 
    ... code ... code ... 
    {ok, Thing}.

tk() -> get_toolkit().

Does the compiler optimizes aliases ?



  • I think it will cost you one indirection. I say this because I took this code

    -export([get_toolkit/0, long/0, short/0]).
    get_toolkit() -> 
        _ = lists:seq(1,100),
        {ok, thing}.
    tk() -> 
    long() ->
        {ok, thing2}.
    short() ->
        {ok, thing3}.

    and generated the ASM via erlc -S testit.erl which gave me

    {function, tk, 0, 4}.
    {function, long, 0, 6}.
    {function, short, 0, 8}.
    • The first function listed in the snip-it is the "short-hand" function, tk/0.
    • the second is the long function which calls get_toolkit/0,
    • the third is the short function which uses the tk/0 short-hand

    the ASM shows that the last function (the one that uses tk/0 ) calls tk/0 ({call, 0, {f, 4}}) which in turn calls get_toolkit/0 ({call, 0, {f,2}}). The function which uses get_toolkit/0 directly calls get_toolkit/0 directly ({call, 0, {f,2}}).

    So, I think that there is no optimization applied.

    Also, I did some time-tests which seemed to support this hypothesis ;)