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Owl Carohausel onChange triggering only on page change

I am using Owl Carousel 2 with 3 items per page setup. I want to select every second item when the slide event occurs because I am blurring first and second items and making the only second one visible.

I am using this piece of jQuery code to achieve this:

$("#service-slider .active:eq(1)").addClass("myActive");

And this is how i initiate my Owl Carousel:

    loop: true,
    margin: 10,
    nav: true,
    dots: false,
    autoplay: true,
    autoplayTimeout: 5000,
    autoplayHoverPause: false,
    smartSpeed: 1500,
    onChange: activeSelect(),
    onDrag: activeSelect(),
    onTranslate: activeSelect(),
    responsive: {
        0: {
            items: 1
        600: {
            items: 1
        1000: {
            items: 3

$("#service-slider .active:eq(1)").addClass("myActive");

function activeSelect() {
    $("#service-slider .active").removeClass("myActive");
    $("#service-slider .active:eq(1)").addClass("myActive");

var owl = $('#service-slider');
owl.on('next.owl.carousel', function (event) {
    $("#service-slider .active").removeClass("myActive");
    $("#service-slider .active:eq(1)").addClass("myActive");
owl.on('prev.owl.carousel', function (event) {
    $("#service-slider .active").removeClass("myActive");
    $("#service-slider .active:eq(1)").addClass("myActive");

It is working fine for the first time but when an item transitioned it is not working; Only working when the whole page changes.

Here is a fiddle:


  • user7290573 found a solution. You can use the center option of the Owl Carousel to achieve what I want. His fiddle can be found here:

        loop: true,
        margin: 10,
        nav: true,
        dots: false,
        center: true,
        autoplay: true,
        autoplayTimeout: 5000,
        autoplayHoverPause: false,
        smartSpeed: 1500,
        responsive: {
            0: {
                items: 3
            600: {
                items: 3
            1000: {
                items: 3