I have a problem that I can't figure out :
I installed the latest release of modernizr (3.7.1) with npm install and a package.json
I generated the modernizr.js file with the following command ./bin/modernizr -c config-all.json
as the documentation suggested it
Now that my modernizr file is included in my pages, i'm getting this error in the JavaScript console :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeChild' of null
at Object.fn (modernizr.js:6870)
at testRunner (modernizr.js:144)
at modernizr.js:10156
at modernizr.js:10175
I don't know if it's blocking the well behavior of modernizr, still I can't figure out why it is occuring.
For more details, the function in modernizr.js where it's happening is this one :
Modernizr.addTest('localizednumber', function() {
/* this extends our testing of input[type=number], so bomb out if that's missing */
if (!Modernizr.inputtypes.number) { return false; }
/* we rely on checkValidity later, so bomb out early if we don't have it */
if (!Modernizr.formvalidation) { return false; }
var body = getBody();
var div = createElement('div');
var firstChild = body.firstElementChild || body.firstChild;
var result;
body.insertBefore(div, firstChild);
div.innerHTML = '<input type="number" value="1.0" step="0.1"/>';
var input = div.childNodes[0];
try {
document.execCommand('SelectAll', false); // Overwrite current input value, rather than appending text
document.execCommand('InsertText', false, '1,1');
} catch (e) {} // prevent warnings in IE
/* results */
result = input.type === 'number' && input.valueAsNumber === 1.1 && input.checkValidity();
/* cleanup */
if (body.fake) {
body.parentNode.removeChild(body); // <==== ERROR HAPPENS HERE
return result;
I included modernizr.js at the end of my body elemtn in my pages (before any other script) and the error doesn't occure anymore, because Modernizr doesn't use a fake body to run his tests.
But I thought it was bad practice to include Modernizr there, that's why I included the file at the end of my head tag in the first place, any explanation ?