I'm trying to add tooltip to Timeline chart using angular-google-charts library in Angular 7 application. When I add a fifth column at index = 2, angular-google-charts throws as error saying "Expecting 4 columns not 5"
When I remove the tooltip column providing only 4 columns (Group, Row, Start, End) the Timeline visualisation works fine. However as soon as I add the Tooltip column it throws error saying expecting 4 columns but received 5.
type: string = 'Timeline'
chartData: Array<Array<any>> = [
['Group1', 'Row1', 'Tooltip1', new Date(2019, 01, 01), new Date(2019, 02, 01)],
['Group2', 'Row2', 'Tooltip2', new Date(2019, 03, 01), new Date(2019, 04, 01)]
colNames: Array<any> = ["Group", "Row", "Tooltip", "Start", "End"]
colRoles: Array<any> = [
{ role: 'tooltip', type: 'string', index: 2, p: {html: true} },
options: {} = { tooltip: {isHtml: true} }
import { GoogleChartsModule } from 'angular-google-charts';
imports: [
I expect the tooltip to show the additional text I am putting in the column index 2. Please help me sort this out.
when not using angular, the roles are included with the column names.
I've never seen the roles added separately.
try adding the role within the column names, as follows...
type: string = 'Timeline'
chartData: Array<Array<any>> = [
['Group1', 'Row1', 'Tooltip1', new Date(2019, 01, 01), new Date(2019, 02, 01)],
['Group2', 'Row2', 'Tooltip2', new Date(2019, 03, 01), new Date(2019, 04, 01)]
colNames: Array<any> = ["Group", "Row", { role: 'tooltip', type: 'string', p: {html: true} }, "Start", "End"]
options: {} = { tooltip: {isHtml: true} }
and exclude the roles here...