I have an internationalized Scala Play 2.7.x WebApp and have the usual routes e.g.
GET / controllers.ApplicationController.index
GET /page/somePage/ controllers.SomeController.somePage
GET /contact controllers.ContactController.view
Now I'd like to add a new route that will basically change-language-redirect to any target route. I implement this use-case by adding an additional route on top of routes
like this:
GET /$lang<(en|es)> controllers.ApplicationController.langRedirect(lang: String, target: String = "")
The idea is that every time you do e.g.
http://localhost:9000/en => will go to home page in english
http://localhost:9000/en/contact => will go to contact page in english
http://localhost:9000/es => will go to home page in spanish
http://localhost:9000/es/contact => will go to contact page in spanish
and so on. Unfortunately it doesn't always work e.g. the one included before /en/page/somePage/
it will not match it correctly to the first rule:
GET /$lang<(en|es)> controllers.ApplicationController.langRedirect(lang: String, target: String = "")
presumably because of the intermediate /
... how can I fix that?
For completeness here is my ApplicationController.langRedirect(...)
def langRedirect(lang: String, target: String = "") = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request =>
Future.successful(Redirect("/" + target).withLang(Lang(lang)))
Using Router.withPrefix
, you can add langage code prefix to all your routes.
Here is an example.
package handlers
import javax.inject.Inject
import play.api.http._
import play.api.i18n.{ Langs, Lang }
import play.api.mvc.{ Handler, RequestHeader }
class I18nRequestHandler @Inject()(
webCommands: play.core.WebCommands,
optDevContext: play.api.OptionalDevContext,
router: play.api.routing.Router,
errorHandler: HttpErrorHandler,
configuration: HttpConfiguration,
filters: HttpFilters,
langs: Langs)
extends DefaultHttpRequestHandler(
webCommands, optDevContext, router, errorHandler, configuration, filters) {
def getLang(request: RequestHeader): Lang = {
// Get the first path
.flatMap(path => Lang.get(path))
// language from the fist path, if it is in "play.i18n.langs (application.conf)"
.filter(lang => langs.availables.exists(_ == lang))
// Or preferred language, refereeing "Accept-Languages"
override def handlerForRequest(request: RequestHeader): (RequestHeader, Handler) = {
// To use the language code from the path with MessagesApi,
// Replace "Accept-Languages" to the language from the path.
val requestWithLang = request.withHeaders(
request.headers.replace(HeaderNames.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE -> getLang(request).code))
override def routeRequest(request: RequestHeader): Option[Handler] = {
val lang = getLang(request)
// If the first path is right language code (if not, Not Found)
.filter(_ == lang.code)
// Route this request with language code prefix
.flatMap(_ => router.withPrefix("/" + lang.code).handlerFor(request))
To enable I18nRequestHandler
, you have to add it to "application.conf".
play.http.requestHandler = "handlers.I18nRequestHandler"
Also add supported languages to "application.conf".
play.i18n.langs = [ "en", "es" ]
This code forces all routes to have the language code prefix. If you need a exceptional routes such as "/" to let users choose its language, create custom routes and add it on routeRequest
Hope this is what you want ;)