So basically i have a method in a class, lets say Class A, that when you give it a String, uses a Split, to create multiple strings. This method would be something like this:
Public void xxxx(String entry){
String[] Parts=entry.split(" ");
String part1=Parts[0];
String part2=Parts[1];
So now, i want to use this two strings, inside an if(....) in a different class, how do i do it? I need each parts (there are more than 2) in different if, and sometimes all together so, how do i use them? thanks
It isn't clear from your description how these classes and methods work together. But since all your xxxx
method does is split strings it would be best to make it a static utility class.
Then you can do something like this.
class MyClass {
// Note that this method doesn't really add any benefit to
// simply using String.split().
public static String[] xxxx(String entry){
String[] parts=entry.split(" ");
return parts;
class OtherClass {
public void someMethod(String str) {
String[] p = MyClass.xxxx(str);
There are many other possibilities. It all depends on how you want methods and classes to interact with each other.