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Vim, Javascript, DoctorJS (jsctags) and Taglist (Source code browsing)

I've installed DoctorJS (previously jsctags) in an attempt to get some good source-code browsing/tag-listing for Vim (using the Taglist plugin).

Installing went fine, but Vim's Taglist doesn't work with DoctorJS.

When trying to open the tag-list window in Vim via :TListToggle, I get the following error:

Taglist: Failed to generate tags for /home/me/script.js
ctags: illegal option -- -^@usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ...^@

I've searched the www, and found out this guide, suggesting a replacement plugin called Taglist-Plus, but it doesn't work with DoctorJS, only with the old unmaintained version, jsctags.

In short - I can't get this to work. Very frustrating. We should be able to have good JavaScript source-code browsing!

Any Vim wizzes out there that have managed to get this thing working?

Thanks in advance.

Better Solution:

After resolving this problem (thanks for the answer, @romainl), I wrote a short guide on how to get this thing done easily as an answer to another question. I recommend to check it out.


  • I use TagBar. The latest version is supposed to support DoctorJS.