I'm using Excel for Office 365 MSO 64-bit.
I want to select worksheets based on the worksheet's name.
For example, I have two lines of VBA code that activate a workbook and then select a sheet in the workbook by the sheet's name.
However, I have sheets with names that contain icons or emojis. For example: "🚑 Patient".
If I try to paste the icon/emoji into VBA code like this: Sheets("🚑 Patient").Select
, the icon does not show up in the VBA editor. I get Sheets("????? Patient").select
I tried to use ChrW() to encode the ambulance character (see here: https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+1F691)
When I run this macro, I get
invalid procedure call or argument
Sub SelectWeirdSheet()
x = ChrW(128657) ' get invalid procedure call or argument here
Sheets(x & " Patient").Activate
End Sub
I also tried code for ambulance ChrW(&H1F691)
, but I get the same error. My suspicion is that I am using the wrong argument for ChrW()
The docs say my argument for ChrW() is out of range. That helps explain the error, but I'm still missing a work-around.
Question: Is there a way to use VBA to select worksheets that have an icon/emoji as part of their name?
I know you can also refer to worksheets by index number like this Sheets(3).Select
However, there will be instances where I don't know the index of the sheet ahead of time, but I will know the name of the sheet, so it is preferable to call the worksheets by name.
In order to properly address the emoji, it should be split into two separate unicode characters.
In this case, it would be x = ChrW(&HD83D) & ChrW(&HDE91)
Those two unicode characters make up the ambulance emoji.
So, this Macro now works.
Sub SelectWeirdSheet()
x = ChrW(&HD83D) & ChrW(&HDE91)
Sheets(x & " Patient").Activate
End Sub
Found the solution on reddit of all places https://www.reddit.com/r/excel/comments/6pq1r1/vba_how_can_i_write_emojis_using_chrw/