I want to serve static files from my SpringBoot application. I have this very simple controller that I wish does the stuff:
public class MyRestController implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
@PostMapping(path = "/hello")
public MyResponse hello(@RequestBody() MyBody body,
HttpServletRequest request) {
return new MyResponse("Hello " + request.getRemoteAddr());
My index.html file resides in the static folder:
When I do a GET request with curl to http://localhost:8080 the I get response code 404 in return and the server states No mapping for GET /
I expect that the index.html file is returned.
Sending a POST request to http://localhost:8080/hello
with a MyBody
object as a json body works though!
What have I done wrong?
I have read this blogpost from the Spring site, but it seems quiet old since that post was published in 2013. Maybe it works different today?
You should NOT use EnableWebMvc in Spring Boot. See the documentation