My script like this :
<table class="responsive-table">
Demo :
If it's accessed by desktop, it looks good
But if it's accessed by mobile, it looks messy
How do I customize css from materialize so that the display on mobile is neat?
This is a known issue with Materialize
. Here you find the reference to the problem.
This is the proposed solution on GitHub.
<th>Mon<br/> </th>
<th>Tue<br/> </th>
<th>Wed<br/> </th>
<th>Thr<br/> </th>
<th>Fri<br/> </th>
<th>Sat<br/> </th>
<th>Sun<br/> </th>
Here the working example on JSFiddle
But to works properly you can't use too many styles inside the cells, otherwise the heights won't be respected.