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Which directory do we write in React

I've installed Node.js on my pc, but where do I write my JS? Is it in the default folder or do I've to make a new one?

Here below you see my React folder:

12-10-2019  11:09    <DIR>          .
12-10-2019  11:09    <DIR>          ..
26-10-1985  10:15               310 .gitignore
12-10-2019  11:09    <DIR>          build
12-10-2019  11:04    <DIR>          node_modules
12-10-2019  11:03           524.508 package-lock.json
12-10-2019  11:03               621 package.json
12-10-2019  11:03    <DIR>          public
26-10-1985  10:15             2.891
12-10-2019  11:03    <DIR>          src
           4 File(s)        528.330 bytes
           6 Dir(s)  903.737.974.784 bytes free

Thanks for helping


  • The source folder is generally where programmers code reside for best practices except you need to configure somethings that you choose to use the other folders So you start adding code to the src folder