I am trying to show images in javascript and it works but at the moment of implementing it with the abstraction of instagram images the multiple images cannot be seen as a background in , it seems to not take the data-background-image of the tag "a", apparently having this line of code:
$.get("https://images"+~~(Math.random()*33)+"-focus-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?container=none&url=https://www.instagram.com/" + name + "/", function(html) {
happens that does not add the background image, what could I be missing?
This is my view:`
var name = "legend_arnoldschwarzenegger";
$.get("https://images"+~~(Math.random()*33)+"-focus-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?container=none&url=https://www.instagram.com/" + name + "/", function(html) {
if (html) {
var regex = /_sharedData = ({.*);<\/script>/m,
json = JSON.parse(regex.exec(html)[1]),
edges = json.entry_data.ProfilePage[0].graphql.user.edge_owner_to_timeline_media.edges;
$.each(edges, function(n, edge) {
var node = edge.node;
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.className = "col-xl-6";
div.innerHTML =
"<a href='" + node.thumbnail_src + "' class='photo-box mfp-gallery' data-background-image='" + node.thumbnail_src + "' data-toggle='lightbox' title='Instagram' style='width: 400px;'>\n" +
'<div class="photo-box-content">\n' +
"<span>Instagram</span>\n" +
'</div>\n' +
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="insta_images" class="row"></div>
Does not add a background image style to the element - data-background-image
is just some data on the element
div.innerHTML =
"<a href='"+node.thumbnail_src + "' class='photo-box mfp-gallery' data-toggle='lightbox' title='Instagram' style='width: 400px;background-image:url("+node.thumbnail_src+")'>\n" +
'<div class="photo-box-content">\n' +
"<span>Instagram</span>\n" +
'</div>\n' +
Should do the trick