is useful FOR BEGINNERS but not recommended !!!!
I am editing my post as I got the right answer on this website.
In this program where user enters subject marks, (after entering marks)he/she is asked whether he/she wants to enter more marks of subjects after declaring in the initial stage that of how many subjects he wants to enter numbers of and if he/she replies Y then program asks him to enter marks again. Look I am a university student of 1st semester and I found goto
easier to make my program go to initial stage of program after using so many loops. All I need is to not use goto but use another loop so how can I do this (problem solved by eerorika who answered me).
using namespace std;
int main (){
int subjec;
cout<<"please enter number of subjects : " ;
int marks[subjec];
for ( int u=0;u<subjec;u++){
cout<<"enter marks of subject "<< u+1 << " ";
char q='Y';
cout<<"do you want TO ENTER MORE MARKS : "<<endl;
cout<<"enter \"Y\" for Yes and \"N\" or any other character for No : ";
while (q=='Y')
goto retran;
return 0;
Here is a request if you can tell me how I can go to initial stage of program again when user press Y without using goto
GOTO statements are useful ?
Yes. But not for this use case.
how I can go to initial stage of program again when user press Y
There's a control flow structure for going back and repeating. It is called a loop. An example:
do {
// do some stuff
} while(q=='Y');