I have two classes, say 'Base
' and 'Derived
', where Derived
class inherits Base
Then a container of references to Derived class instances (std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Derived > > myContainer
And finally, I have a function that takes std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Base > >
as argument.
If I pass the container(myContainer) to the function, it doesn't compile:
If I change my container to hold references to Base, everything works fine and since it is a reference_wrapper, I believe, I will still have the polymorphic behaviour that I need. But this feels unclean as I am sure that my container will not hold anything other than Derived instances.
At the same time, the function that takes in the vector is supposed to work on both Derived and Base classes.
Minimal code:
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
class Base
{ /*some virtual stuff*/ };
class Derived : public Base
void Fun( std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Base > > const & container )
int main()
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Derived > > myContainer;
Fun( myContainer ); // Error: no viable conversion
return 0;
Live code: https://godbolt.org/z/SX5Gag
What is the best way to ask the Function to treat the container of Derived references as a vector of Base references?
That's just not possible:
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Derived > > d;
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Base > >& b = d;
What could happen, if this was legal?
SomeOtherDerivedClass o;
b.push_back(o); // sure, b is vector of Base, so legal
But b actually just is a reference to d, so you just managed to place a different, illegal type into d.
So even if Base
is a base class of Derived
, the same doesn't apply for the corresponding containers, be it std::vector
or any other one.