I am using jbpm 7.26 to create a process that can call an external REST API and simply display the result.
Unfortunately, there is absolutely no tutorial on the subject, I'm trying to call an URL like:
GET https://api.darksky.net/forecast/secretkey/37.8267,-122.4233
the two last numbers being the weather longitude and latitude I want to get
I have tried to create a REST task in the business process. I've set the URL I showed before as a parameter and I tried to set a String as an output but not sure it works tho.
An error appears when I deploy the project and arrive on this task in a process: Unable to complete your request. The following exception occurred: "Unable to create response: [Meteo.GetMeteo:29 - GetMeteoRestService:5] -- Could not find work item handler for Rest".
I've also tried to create a Service task but I have no idea on how to fill the information to call the REST service
I'm trying to get the JSON return of the URL request, only that for the moment.
Hope I'm clear enough and thank you by advance for your help :)