I see this very often and I'm wondering what it does/its purpose.
std::vector<double> operator()(int seed) const;
Functors and matrix indexing are, to my knowledge, the most common use cases.
Matrix Indexing
For a matrix class, you can do something like this:
Matrix3x3 A;
A(1,2) = 2;
The main reason that parentheses are used instead of brackets in this case is that the brackets operator only accepts one argument while the parentheses operator accepts multiple arguments.
If you want an object to act as a function that can also store information, you can do:
Accumulator accumulate;
for(int i=0; i<20; ++i)
std::cout << accumulate.sum << std::endl;
In C++, you will also often encounter functors for comparator objects, even though they do not store information.