No matter what I try, Application Insights in a simple C# Console App (NetCORE) will not pickup the InstrumentationKey. I am using the following code:
var telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient();
Console.WriteLine("Key=" + telemetryClient.InstrumentationKey);
And the following ApplicationInsights.config file:
<ApplicationInsights xmlns="">
The key is always empty.
I have tried wrapping the config contents in and I have tried removing the tag. I have tried the following code too:
var telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefault());
Console.WriteLine("Key=" + telemetryClient.InstrumentationKey);
My previous question on the subject resulted in a solution that required the ApplicationInsights.config file to exist in the project folder for the debug application insights logger to work correctly. Link: Unable to get Application Insights to show debugging telemetry . One of the users notes that NetCORE is no longer using that config file, yet I find that hard to believe as otherwise no telemetry is logged in the debug Application Insights Telemetry.
The documentation for it does not mention InstrumentationKey inside of the config file:
Is there a way to just run those two lines of code and have it pick up the instrumentation key from the config file or do I have to set it up manually in code?
For .NET Core or ASP.NET Core projects SDK does not read applicationinsights.config file. For console apps, the recommended approach is documented here ( Instrumentation key is specified in appsettings.json in those cases.