I am using shared preferences to store my caller details in my app as follows. Whenever there is a call, I am saving the following details of the caller.
sharedPrefCallLog = getSharedPreferences("CallLogPref", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
editorCallLogPref = sharedPrefCallLog.edit();
editorCallLogPref.putString("name", Name);
editorCallLogPref.putString("num", Number);
Everything works fine for the first call. When the second call is received, the details of the first call are cleared and replaced with the second one. How could I save everything? I would like to save details up to the last 10 calls?
Should I use different approach other than sharedPref?
If you need to save upto 10 call records only (small data set), then shared preferences are fine.
You need to assign a unique key to your records.
private void saveCallLog(final int callRecordID){
// key here is callRecordID
sharedPrefCallLog = getSharedPreferences("CallLogPref", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
editorCallLogPref = sharedPrefCallLog.edit();
editorCallLogPref.putString("name_"+ callRecordID, Name);
editorCallLogPref.putString("num_"+ callRecordID, Number);
editorCallLogPref.putString("city_"+ callRecordID,City);
To get call Log details use
private void getCallDetails(int callRecordID){
sharedPrefCallLog.getString("name_"+ callRecordID, null);
sharedPrefCallLog.getString("num_"+ callRecordID, null);
sharedPrefCallLog.getString("city_"+ callRecordID, null);