My Application is a simulation of a 3D-Audio cage we have in our lab at uni. To best simulate it, we made it a wireframe-sphere.
I need to be able to stand inside the cage, but if my Sphere is around my Camera, it clips, so it doesn't render until i move away. I also need to be able to Rotate it, but not move it.
Is there a way to disable clipping for this case? What else can i try to get the desired result?
I've tried to set the clipping pane for the camera to 0, but 0.01 is the lowest it can be.
Also I've tried to use a transparent shader, both tries left me the same problem of the object clipping.
Is there a way to disable clipping for this case? What else can i try to get the desired result?
You can invert the normals of the sphere. Or model a sphere with normals on the inside and the outside if you want to look at it from both sides.
Another solution could be to use a shader with disabled backface culling (Cull off
This stackoverflow answer might be helpful: Flip Normals in Unity 3D/spheres
If I understand the ManipulationHandler
correct, you can make a smaller sphere with a ManipulationHandler
inside the larger sphere and copy the transform changes to the larger sphere.
If you want to keep the larger sphere at the same place don't copy the position changes.