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How to finetune the position of a list bullet/number

I've made a list in HTML:

<ol class="listnumber">
    <li class="listnumber">
        <p class="listnumber">list number</p>

When I render this in Antennahouse Formatter, this is the result:
enter image description here

I can change the indentation of the text in CSS:

ol li {
    padding-left: 6.3mm;
    text-indent: 0mm;
    margin-left: 0mm;
    list-style-type: decimal;

padding-left is the distance indicated by the dark blue line. But I'd like to change the position of the number: it's centered in that 6.3 mm wide space now, and I want to align it to the left side of that space (move the number to the spot indicated by the red line).

The text-indent and margin-left do not influence this position. The only property I can find that influences the position of the number is list-style-position, but that only has values inside and outside.

Is there a way to change the position of this number?

I've tried various permutations of this:

li.listnumber:before {
    text-align: left;

but that has no effect on the autogenerated number.


  • I have tried one solution for this

    We have below default css property for ol element

      padding-inline-start: 40px;

    We can override this property as below

     padding-inline-start: 10px;

    Below is the code snippet

    ol {
      padding-inline-start: 10px;
    li {
        padding-left: 10px;
        text-indent: 0mm;
        margin-left: 0mm;
        list-style-type: decimal;
    <ol class="listnumber">
        <li class="listnumber">
            <p class="listnumber">list number</p>

    I hope it will help Thanks...