I'm curious if there were no unexpected error, will the channel stay alive while waiting for the client to acknowledge a message (using channel.basicAck()
)? Does a channel have a timeout parameter?
For example, will this code be problematic if xxx
is very large?:
@RabbitListener(queues = DURABLE_QUEUE)
public void listenAddAndDelete(@Payload Message message, Channel channel,@Header(AmqpHeaders.DELIVERY_TAG) long tag) {
log.info("receive user msg: {}", message);
// sleep very long time,then ack,is channel has a timeout?
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
In addition,When will the channel be closed under normal circumstances?
It generally won't timeout as long as heartbeats are enabled (which is the default), but keeping a message in that state for a long time is an anti-pattern, as I suggested in a comment to the answer referred to in the comment above.