I have such a block
Function Description
count Number of non-NA observations
sum Sum of values
mean Mean of values
mad Mean absolute deviation
median Arithmetic median of values
min Minimum
max Maximum
mode Mode
abs Absolute Value
prod Product of values
std Bessel-corrected sample standard deviation
var Unbiased variance
sem Standard error of the mean
skew Sample skewness (3rd moment)
kurt Sample kurtosis (4th moment)
quantile Sample quantile (value at %)
cumsum Cumulative sum
cumprod Cumulative product
cummax Cumulative maximum
cummin Cumulative minimum
How could convert it to org table?
Assuming that there is a TAB separating the first and second column, mark the region and say C-u C-u M-x org-table-convert-region RET
. The doc string for org-table-convert-region
discusses other possibilities for a separator:
org-table-convert-region is an interactive Lisp closure in
(org-table-convert-region BEG0 END0 &optional SEPARATOR)
Convert region to a table.
The region goes from BEG0 to END0, but these borders will be moved
slightly, to make sure a beginning of line in the first line is included.
SEPARATOR specifies the field separator in the lines. It can have the
following values:
(4) Use the comma as a field separator
(16) Use a TAB as field separator
(64) Prompt for a regular expression as field separator
integer When a number, use that many spaces, or a TAB, as field separator
regexp When a regular expression, use it to match the separator
nil When nil, the command tries to be smart and figure out the
separator in the following way:
- when each line contains a TAB, assume TAB-separated material
- when each line contains a comma, assume CSV material
- else, assume one or more SPACE characters as separator.