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List all the tasks for a given Process in the order of execution

This is a basic functionality and I see repeated questions , but unfortunately no clear answer yet.

How do I print/list all the tasks in the given process ( finished / unfinished ) in the order of execution.

The two solution I found on the forum are working as expected

repositoryService.getBpmnModel().getFlowElements() - Does not print in the order of execution . Printed in the order of definition
historyService.createHistoricActivityQuery - Does not print all Service task

How do I just list all the task under the given process.


  • If by tasks you mean all the elements in the process then you can use the HistoricActivityInstanceQuery to get the information about them.

    The code would look something like:

    List<HistoricActivityInstance> activityInstances = historyService

    In order to see if a HistoricActivityInstance is finished or not you'll need to check the HistoricActivityInstance#getEndTime(). When that is null it means that the activity is not finished, if it is null then it means it is finished.