I have a QGraphicsScene
that is filled with QGraphicsItems
, and the user is able to pan and zoom around to inspect all of the various QGraphicsItems
. However, I would like to have a QGraphicsTextItem
label that always stays put at the top left of the screen. Ignoring the zooms is easy, as I can just setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations)
, but I've yet to figure out how to force the position to stay at the top-left. What's the best way to make my label "float" in the same place?
Perhaps you just want to put a regular QLabel
right on the view instead of trying to make a part of the scene stay in one place as discussed in this question.
Note: As mentioned in another answer, this trick will often not work with hardware accelerated views. In these cases, you will need to make the text items a part of the scene.