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Pattern matching in purescript

How can I implement head or singleton function in purescript by pattern matching? The problem is that the compiler requires the explicit definition of the broadest pattern, but I can't generate a default value for a type that I don't know.

fromSingleton :: forall a. a -> Array a -> a 
fromSingleton _   [x] = x
fromSingleton def []    = def


A case expression could not be determined to cover all inputs.
  The following additional cases are required to cover all inputs:

    _ _

  Alternatively, add a Partial constraint to the type of the enclosing value.

But this proposal looks dummy, I can't add:

fromSingleton _ _     = ??? (a -- is any type, how can I implement default for it?)


  • fromSingleton :: forall a. a -> Array a -> a
    fromSingleton def x = case Array.uncons x of
      Nothing -> def
      Just { head } -> head

    This should work. Your original version covered all cases for the first argument, but for the second argument, you only covered the case of empty array and singleton array.