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Process JSON to Fasta, convert Python code to Groovy

I have a config file that looks like this:

    "codes": {
        "0004F--0004R": {
            "Forward code Name": "0004F",
            "Forward code Info": "xxxyyy4",
            "Rev code Name": "0004R",
            "Rev code Info": "xxxyyy3"
        "0014F--0014R": {
            "Forward code Name": "0014F",
            "Forward code Info": "xxxyyy1",
            "Rev Barcode Name": "0014R",
            "Rev Barcode Info": "xxxyyy2"


I need to process this json so that I get an output "fasta" file that looks like this:


I am essentially a python programmer, so in python my code looks like this:

with open('codes.fasta', 'w') as f:
    for k, v in json_object.get('codes', {}).items():
        fname, revname = k.split('--')
        print(f'>{fname}\n{v["Forward code Info"]}', file=f)
        print(f'>{revname}\n{v["Rev code Info"]}', file=f) 

I need to write a similar function in Groovy.

In pseudo code: 1. Give config.json 2. Groovy reads the JSON 3. Parses JSON accordingly 4. Outputs a "fasta" file

Any Groovy coders out here?


  • import groovy.json.*
    def jsonObject = new JsonSlurper().parseText '''{
        "codes": {
            "0004F--0004R": {
                "Forward code Name": "0004F",
                "Forward code Info": "xxxyyy4",
                "Rev code Name": "0004R",
                "Rev code Info": "xxxyyy3"
            "0014F--0014R": {
                "Forward code Name": "0014F",
                "Forward code Info": "xxxyyy1",
                "Rev Barcode Name": "0014R",
                "Rev Barcode Info": "xxxyyy2"
    new File('codes.fasta').withOutputStream { out -> { code -> 
            def (fname, revname) = code.key.split('--')
            out << ">$fname\n${code.value['Forward code Info']}\n"
            out << ">$revname\n${code.value['Rev Barcode Info']}\n"

    You can write Groovy in a very analogous way.

    Instead of parsing using parseText you'll likely want to call parse(new File(config.json) or some other similar API method.