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Phoenix : Having a JSON and HTML representation of the same resource

I'm starting to use Phoenix outside of tutorials for a small use case. So far great, but I'm a bit taken aback by the following.

I have a resource "recording" that I want to access at /api/recordings in JSON and at /recording with a template and the result being HTML.

Ideally the Ecto representation would be unique, and even part of the controller would also be shared?

Right now I either have to have 2 resources recordingAPI and recordingHTML, or 2 controllers and 1 resources.

Any exemple out there? I keep finding one or the other, but not something with the :api pipe and the :browser pipe used for the same resource.



  • You can utilize phoenix accepts plug and a combination of two different views/layouts

    # router.ex
    defmodule TestExWeb.Router do
      use TestExWeb, :router
      pipeline :browser do
        plug :accepts, ["html"]
        plug :fetch_session
        plug :fetch_flash
        plug :protect_from_forgery
        plug :put_secure_browser_headers
      pipeline :api do
        plug :accepts, ["json"]
      scope "/", TestExWeb do
        pipe_through :browser
        get "/recording", PageController, :index
      scope "/api", TestExWeb do
        pipe_through :api
        get "/recording", PageController, :index

    As you can see, :browser uses :accepts ["html"] while :api uses :accepts ["json"]. You can find this in the private struct of your conn and use it in the controller like this:

    defmodule TestExWeb.PageController do
      use TestExWeb, :controller
      def index(%{private: %{phoenix_format: format}} = conn, _params) do
        data = "Hello World"
        render(conn, "index.#{format}", data: data)

    Now, you just need to tell phoenix how to render your json, html is already taken care of by page.html.eex in layouts, so add the following to your page_view.ex

    defmodule TestExWeb.PageView do
      use TestExWeb, :view
      def render("index.json", %{data: data}) do
          data: data

    Two drawbacks with this solution:

    • You need this format snippet in every controller (Maybe you can circumvent this with a plug after you "sent" the response)
    • You're using an internal variable of phoenix