I have a class, describing some object with properties, e.g. inventory item. And along with default constructor, I need parametrized constructor, to create items with certain set of parameters, for example, size)
class xxx_API UItem : public UObject
UItem(int _size);
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Parameters")
int size = 0;
And I have another class, which I want to serve as container for pre defined items, so I can have references to it from other places of the game.
class xxxx_API UItemsContainer : public UObject
UItem SomeItem = UItem(100);
So I can at the begiining of game create this item container
ItemsContainer = NewObject<UItemsContainer>();
And then add it to some item collection of certain entity like this
TArray<UItem*> CharacterItems = {};
Since items are fixed and will not change during game, I dont want to create specific object for each of them, and just have references to container entries.
Though on compilation I get error, that I try to access private members of UItem class. Though, it's constructor is public and all properties are public. I think that there is something in UClass, that dont allow me to use constructor that way, since I can do this with objects, that are not UObject. But I need it to be UObject, to be usable in blueprints. And I dont know how to call non-default constructor in other way. Probably I can create default object with NewObject, and then initialize it and store in array, but looks like there will be too much code and complication. Any suggestions please?
Because C++ has been stylized in Unreal, e.g. auto generated source file of UItem
is in the directory:
You can open this source, the copy-constructor of UItem
has been shadowed, and UItem SomeItem = UItem();
would trigger copy-constructor, so you will get a compilation error that try to access private members of UItem class.
In Unreal, you must invoke NewObject
when creating UObject, e.g.
SomeItemPtr = NewObject<UItem>(Outer);
If you want to pass parameters on creating UObject, you can define a specific function
void UItem::SetParams(int Size)
//initiation ...
UItemsContainer::AddItem(int ItemSize)
SomeItemPtr = NewObject<UItem>(this);