@Then("a topic is (not) displayed on the chat icon of the menu")
Basically I want the not to be optional if possible? Previously it was (is|is not).
Adding that is|is not is part of the capturing group, entered as a String in the stepdef.
If you want to use regular expressions you should start your strings with ^
and/or end them with $
. Otherwise Cucumber will treat them as Cucumber expressions. So:
@Then("^a topic (is|is not) displayed on the chat icon of the menu$")
public void a_topic_is_displayed(String isDisplayed){
If you do want to use Cucumber expressions then you'll have to capture the modifier in a parameter type. So:
@Then("a topic {isOrIsNot} displayed on the chat icon of the menu")
public void a_topic_is_displayed(boolean isDisplayed){
And you'd register a parameter type to convert the string to a boolean:
typeRegistry.defineParameterType(new ParameterType<>(
"isOrIsNot", // name
"is|is not", // regexp
boolean.class, // type
(String arg) -> "is".equals(arg) // transformer function