I'm new to web (and everything asynchronous). I'm trying to complete a two step process in an Angular + Firebase app:
I'm coming from the embedded world where I can do something like this (context of the app - I'm trying to keep track of results in a combat robotics competition).
// Update the winning robot's doc with results
// Find the ID of the robot we're looking for (ex. winningRobotName = "Some Name")
this.firestore.collection('robots', ref => ref.where('name', '==', winningRobotName)).snapshotChanges()
.subscribe(data => {
this.bots = data.map(e => {
return {
id: e.payload.doc.id,
name: e.payload.doc.data()['name'],
// other fields
} as Robot;
let robot = this.bots[0]; <--------- This doesn't work because I reach here before the above call returns.
// Update this robot with new fields
this.firestore.doc('robots/' + robot.id)
fightCount : robot.fightCount + 1,
winCount : robot.winCount + 1,
// other updates
How does one wait for one subscription to return before executing another command? Do you nest the subscriptions? Is there something really basic I just don't know about yet?
I don't think AngularFire helps you here, and would instead do this directly on the regular JavaScript SDK:
ref.where('name', '==', winningRobotName))
.then((snapshots) => {
snapshots.forEach((doc) =>
id: doc.id,
name: doc.data().name
I'm not exactly sure what name: doc.data().name
is supposed to do (as it's an identity operation, delivering the same result as its input), but left it in just in case this matters to you.