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Refresh Materialized View concurrently locks the view

I am trying to refresh a Materialized View concurrently.

I created the view:

reate materialized VIEW mv_secondary_id AS
        array_to_tsvector(users_secondary_id(data)) as terms
from users;

Added a unique index based on id:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX mv_secondary_id_unique_idx ON mv_secondary_id (id);

And refresh:

refresh materialized view concurrently mv_secondary_id;

As I understand from the documentation - concurrent queries on the view will be able to run on the view, but when I try to refresh and run a query - it waits for the refresh to end and only then completes.

I am using Postgres 11 on GCloud.

Any idea why the query waits?


  • Apparently I used a UI that is only able to run one query at a time - DBeaver 6.1.4 for linux.

    I tried to run the same queries with pgcli and it worked fine.