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BINDING between Form and Grid Extjs

So what I'm trying to achieve is to populate the Form with the selected row records and/or to edit the rows through form, via the ViewModel so it's two-way binding, I have done soo in the states field but I'm having trouble with the other fields, I have tried formulas but that didn't work either. Here is a handler that did console the records but I can't bind them with the form fields.

   store = this.getView().getStore();
         var records = record.getSelected().items[0].data;
                //var record = records[0];
                if (records) {

Here is my Fiddle example


  • You need to transport the selected record to the form and also set the bind (bind: {value: ''}) property of the form fields. A simple way is to pass the selected grid record to the Test.main.Form's viewModel. Look:


    showChart: function (record, selModel) {
        var form = Ext.create({
            xtype: 'testform'
        //selModel is actually an array of selected records.
        form.getViewModel().set('record', selModel[0]);


    items: [{
        label: 'First Name',
        name: 'first',
        bind: {
            //record that was set in the showChart function.
            value: '{}'

    Try with the other fields.

    I hope this helps. Any questions, let me know.