I need to swap two cell values. Holding Shift Key
then pick & drop method don't work here. so I decided to create a macro in which I can get Active cell address by
but how can I get address of the cell which I had copied before running this macro? to elaborate more these are the steps to swap values.
Copy a cell
Select another cell in the same sheet
Run Macro to swap values (which will save activecell value as string and paste the copied cell value)
Updated: For Switching Columns, Cells or Rows using VBA in less than Three steps please follow this https://youtu.be/MaiSBVguh28
This sub will do the trick:
Sub swapper()
Dim cellfirst As String, cellsecond As String
If Not Selection.Cells.Count = 2 Then
MsgBox ("Please only select two cells")
If Selection.Areas.Count > 1 Then
cellfirst = Selection(1).Value
cellsecond = Selection.Areas(2).Value
Selection(1).Value = cellsecond
Selection.Areas(2).Value = cellfirst
cellfirst = Selection(1).Value
cellsecond = Selection(2).Value
Selection(1).Value = cellsecond
Selection(2).Value = cellfirst
End If
End If
End Sub
It will test if two cells are selected, if not give an error message. Then it will test if the cells are apart or close together. Then based on that store the values of both cells in strings, swap the strings, and print back to cell.
Note: Select two different cells by holding ctrl
and clicking on both cells.
I realise this isn't 1 for 1 what you've asked for, but why go through the effort of copying something yourself when you can have the macro do it all for you?