I want to put in production a node service :
When I launch my application with my arguments like that : node ./backend -c "uf4m6fhnh" -s "SPNLGZsUoSpQ=" -o "8696"
. Everything works well.
Now I want to put it in production with PM2 : I have tried the 2 ways to to that (CLI and JSON file) like that :
CLI version :
pm2 start backend.js --node-args="-c uf4lvm6fhnh -s SPNLGZsUoSpQ= -o 8696" --name MyAppName
and also :
pm2 start backend.js --name MyAppName -- "-c uf4lvm6fhnh -s SPNLGZsUoSpQ= -o 8696"
Config file (JSON) :
"apps": [
"name": "MyAppName ",
"script": "./backend.js",
"node_args": [
and then : pm2 start myConfigJson.json
For each of this possible solution, I have the same error in my pm2 logs
Error: Cannot find module '/home/me/Projects/Project/uf4lvm6fhnh'
(Note that the not found module is my passed argument)
Any ideas ?
Use args
is an alias to interpreter_args
which passes arguments to node itself, rather than the script. As a result, your command line ends up calling -c|--check
on node itself instead.
See http://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/pm2-doc-single-page/#programmatic-api and https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_c_check