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Assembler use of segment register

Recently I was writing assembly and the program I wrote ran without any problems under DOSBox. Now I need to port the same program into a real computer using DOS but some problems arised.

First of all, under DOSBox I was compiling with ML, but on the real PC once I type in ML it says:

This program cannot be run in DOS mode.

Therefore I was looking for a solution amd found out that MASM can compile asm program without problems. Unfortunately, the program which I need to port reports severe errors (1 type only) while compiling.

error A2061: Improper use of segment register

The lines at which these problems arise are the following


Also the same problem arises with the following code


So far I have tried to change this BYTE PTR into BYTE PTR [ES:0017H] which produced the same error

And into BYTE PTR ES:0017H which compiled the code successfully, the program ran but did not work correctly

Note: I do not know under which architecture am currently working. And probably won't be able to access the machine physically, but if there is some code that I can type in to see the information on screen I will be glad to do so.

Code is here, it is too long for here if i need to paste it here then ok, but until then

The PC says it runs MSDOS 6


  • It is unclear what part of this question I should answer.

    • The original error was related to a typo. DS should have been DX
    • Version 5.10 of MASM you use doesn't support the segment and size overrides inside the square brackets []. Code like this:


      Needs to be written as:

    • The version of MASM and LINK you are using doesn't generate COM programs. You need a program that used to come with DOS called EXE2BIN that could convert certain types of EXE programs to COM. You'd have to run EXE2BIN like this:

      EXE2BIN progname.exe
    • The version of MASM doesn't support the simplified segment directives .MODEL, .CODE, .DATA, and .STACK that I am aware of so they need to be removed.

    Rather than use EXE2BIN to convert from an EXE to a COM program you can modify the code to run as an EXE program. Remove the lines:

        .MODEL  TINY
        .ORG 100h

    Create a STACK segment with something like:

        db 512 DUP(?)

    An EXE program needs to initialize the DS (and ES if necessary) early on at the program start. This is unlike COM programs where CS=DS=ES=SS and no such initialization is necessary. You'd add these lines to initialize DS:

        MOV     AX, CODE                ; Initialize the Code Segment
        MOV     DS, AX

    You placed all your data in the CODE segment so you need to initialize DS to be the same as CODE.

    The final version of the program that should run as an EXE is:

            TITLE   FormulaONE TURBO (256 byte game)
        db 512 DUP(?)
    ;                       ACTUAL PROGRAM BEGINS HERE
            MOV     AX, CODE                ; Initialize the Code Segment
            MOV     DS, AX
            MOV     BP,AX                   ; Reset score to 0 (=MOV BP,0)
            MOV     AH,06H                  ; Clear Screen and home the cursor
            CALL    SCROLL
    ;                             MAIN GAME LOOP
            MOV     DX,1629H                ; Load CAR loc (LINE 16H, COL 29H)
    CARLOC  EQU     $-2                     ; Self modifying code (CAR loc)
            CALL    MOVEIT                  ; Move cursor to DH,DL (car loc)
    ;  Erase the car at old screen location
            MOV     AL,20H                  ; Print 5 spaces
            PUSH    AX
            OUT     61H,AL                  ;   Turn off speaker (AL=00100000b)
            MOV     BL,70H                                                ;^^
            MOV     CL,5
            INT     10H
            MOV     AX,0E0AH                ; Move cursor to next line
            INT     10H
            POP     AX                      ; Print 5 more spaces
            INT     10H
    ;  Move to new car location based on shift key status
            MOV     CL,40H                  ; Get shift key status
            MOV     ES,CX                   ;   (=MOV ES,0040H)
            MOV     AL,BYTE PTR ES:[0017H]
            TEST    AL,1                    ; Right SHIFT key pressed?
            JZ      TRYLFT                  ;    No...Try left shift
            INC     DX                      ;    Yes..move car right 1 space
    TRYLFT: TEST    AL,2                    ; Left SHIFT key pressed?
            JZ      KEYEND                  ;    No...done checking keys
            DEC     DX                      ;    Yes..move car left 1 space
    KEYEND: MOV     WORD PTR DS:[CARLOC],DX ; Save new car location in memory
                                            ; (That is the self-modifying part)
            PUSH    DX                      ; Save car location on stack also
    ;  Scroll the track down one line
            MOV     AX,0701H                ; Scroll screen down 1 line
            CALL    SCROLL                  ;   this also sets BH=0 and BL=2
                                            ;   and homes the cursor
            MOV     CL,40                   ; Print left side of track
    LMARGN  EQU     $-1                     ;   (Pointer to Left Margin)
            INT     10H
            MOV     DX,CX                   ; Find right side of track position
            ADD     DX,26                   ;   (Starting track width = 26)
    TRKWID  EQU     $-1                     ;   (Pointer to Track Width)
            MOV     CL,80
            SUB     CX,DX
            CALL    MOVEIT                  ; Move cursor to right side of track
            INT     10H                     ; Print grass on right side of track
    ;  Print the score in the lower right corner of the screen
            MOV     DX,184EH                ; Screen loc 77,25 bottom right
            CALL    MOVEIT                  ; Move cursor to score location
            MOV     AX,BP                   ; Move Score to AX
            MOV     CL,8                    ; Shift score right 8 bits
            SAR     AX,CL                   ; (This makes it hard to get to Z!)
            ADD     AX,0E00H+65             ; MOV AH,0Eh & Convert score to A-Z
            INT     10H                     ; Print the score on the screen
    ;  Check for a collision
            POP     DX                      ; Restore car location from stack
            CALL    MOVEIT                  ; Move cursor under left front tire
            JNZ     PCAR                    ; Hit something? Yes... Print our
                                            ;   red car and exit the game
            PUSH    DX                      ; Save left tire position to stack
            ADD     DL,4                    ; Move cursor under right front tire
            CALL    MOVEIT                  ; Check to see if we hit something
            POP     DX                      ;    Restore our car position
            JNZ     PCAR                    ; Hit something? Yes... Print our
                                            ;   red car and exit the game
            PUSH    DX                      ; Save car position to stack
    ;  No collision, go ahead and print our car (red)
            CALL    PCAR                    ; Print our red car (CX=8)
    ;  Slow game down by waiting for 3 vertical retraces and play sound effects
            MOV     CL,3                    ; CX is delay invertical retraces
    DELAY:  MOV     DX,03DAH                ; Video screen port
    HERE:   IN      AL,DX                   ; Get current video status
            TEST    AL,8                    ; Check vertical retrace bit
            JNE     HERE                    ; Wait for 1 full vertical retrace
    HERE2:                                  ; Turn on and off speaker...
            ADD     AL,BYTE PTR DS:[005DH]  ;   (Check command line for Q)
            DEC     AX                      ;   (which is for Quiet mode.)
            OUT     61H,AL                  ; while waiting for screen refresh
            IN      AL,DX
            TEST    AL,8
            JE      HERE2
            LOOP    DELAY                   ; Go wait for another until CX=0
    ;  Keep track of our current score
            INC     BP                      ; Count lines printed so far (score)
    ;  Adjust size and placement of track
            POP     DX                      ; Restore our car position fm stack
            MOV     AX,BP                   ; TEST AL=2 bytes, TEST BP=4 bytes
            TEST    AL,255                  ; Make track smaller each 256 lines
            JNZ     NOCHG                   ;   Go around if not time for change
            DEC     BYTE PTR DS:[TRKWID]    ;   Change width (Self-mod code!)
            TEST    AL,9                    ; Make track wavy every so often
            JNZ     ENEMY                   ;  Time to go straight
            TEST    AL,128                  ;  Left or right?
            JZ      LEFT
            ADD     BYTE PTR DS:[LMARGN],2  ; -Move right 2 spaces (Self-mod!)
    ;        INC     DX                      ;    Make sure that enemy car
    ;        INC     DX                      ;      stays ON the track. (TAI)
    LEFT:   DEC     BYTE PTR DS:[LMARGN]    ; -Move left 1 space   (Self-mod!)
    ;        DEC     DX                      ;    Make sure that enemy car
                                            ;      stays ON the track. (TAI)
    ;  Draw an opponent car every 15 screen lines
    ENEMY:                                  ; Our car position is in DX register
            MOV     DH,0                    ; Make it into enemy position using
                                            ; True Artificial Intellegence (tm)
                                            ; ^    ^          ^  TAI :-)
            TEST    AL,15                   ; Every 15 lines print enemy car
            MOV     AX,OFFSET GAME          ;    Prepare for RET below
            PUSH    AX                      ;    Use RET as a jump to GAME loop
            JNZ     GOBACK                  ; Not time yet to print enemy car
    ;                PRINT CAR AT SCREEN LOCATION "DX"
    ; On entry:  DH points to line, DL to column, CX to car graphic offset
    ;                                             (8 for red, 0 for blue car)
    ; On exit:  The proper car will be drawn.  Also, if we used CALL PCAR to
    ;           get here we will be returned into the program at that point.
    ;           If we used JNZ PCAR to get here we will be returned to the
    ;           DOS prompt (the game will end).
            PUSH    BP                      ; Save our current score counter
            MOV     BP,OFFSET CAR2          ; Point to the car graphic
            ADD     BP,CX                   ;   Add offset to proper car
            SUB     BYTE PTR [BP+4],24      ; Print stripe on hood of car
            MOV     AX,1302H                ; Print the car to the screen
            PUSH    AX                      ;    AX may change in INT 10h call
            MOV     CL,5                    ;    Graphic is 5 characters wide
            PUSH    DS                      ;    It is located in the data seg
            POP     ES                      ;      but INT 10h needs that in ES
            INT     10H                     ; Print the first line of the car
            ADD     BYTE PTR [BP+4],24      ; Print cockpit and rear stripe
            POP     AX                      ; (=MOV AX,1302H)
            INC     DH                      ; Point to next line of the screen
            INT     10H                     ; Print the second line of the car
            POP     BP                      ; Restore current score counter
            DB      0DCH,70H,0DEH,71H,0D2H,1FH,0DDH,71H     ; Blue car graphic
            DB      0DCH,70H                                ;   Common tire
            DB      0DEH,74H,0D2H,4EH,0DDH,74H,0DCH,70H     ; Red car graphic
    ;                     SCROLL SCREEN DOWN "AL" LINES
    ;                      (or if AH=6, clear screen)
    ; On entry:  AH must be 7, AL must be number of lines to scroll (1)
    ; On exit:   BH will be 0, BL will be 2 and we will fall through to
    ;            MOVEIT to home the cursor.             ^^^^^^^^^^^^
            MOV     BH,70H                  ; Use Black on Gray (road color)
            XOR     CX,CX                   ;   From UL corner (=MOV CX,0)
            MOV     DX,184FH                ;   to LR corner
            INT     10H
            MOV     BX,02                   ; Set BH to 0 and BL to 2 for use
                                            ;   when we return.
            XOR     DX,DX                   ; Now, home the cursor  (=MOV DX,0)
    ; On entry:  DH is screen line, DL is screen column
    ; On exit:   Z flag will be set/reset if there is a space character
    ;            under the cursor and AH will be 9 and AL will be 0DBh
            MOV     AH,2                    ; Move cursor to DH,DL
            INT     10H
            MOV     AH,8                    ; Get the character under cursor
            INT     10H
            CMP     AL,20H                  ; Is it a space? (set Z flag)
            MOV     AX,09DBH                ; Set AH to 9 and AL to 0DBh for
            RET                             ;  use just after we return (don't
                                            ;  worry, Z flag will still be set)
    CODE    ENDS
            END     START
    Reply to "Stackoverflow question a2061"
    Re: Stackoverflow question a2061
    Your paste - Paste your paste here
            TITLE   FormulaONE TURBO (256 byte game)
    ;      FormulaONE TURBO Copyright 1995, 1996, 1998 by David S. Issel
    ;                          all rights reserved.
    ;                      Written using Turbo Assembler
    ;                     To assemble use:  TASM F1-TURBO
    ;                         To link use:  TLINK /x/t F1-TURBO
    ; For Microsoft Macro Assembler 6.0 use:  ML /AT F1-TURBO.ASM
    ;               To run FormulaONE use:  F1-TURBO
    ;     To run FormulaONE without sound:  F1-TURBO Q
    ;  Use left and right shift keys to control your car                  __,        
    ;  at bottom of screen.  Try not to run into anything       _ _.--'-n_/          
    ;  for as long as you can.                                -(_)------(_)=         
            .MODEL  TINY
            ORG     0100H                   ; This will be a COM file
    ;                       ACTUAL PROGRAM BEGINS HERE
            MOV     BP,AX                   ; Reset score to 0 (=MOV BP,0)
            MOV     AH,06H                  ; Clear Screen and home the cursor
            CALL    SCROLL
    ;                             MAIN GAME LOOP
            MOV     DX,1629H                ; Load CAR loc (LINE 16H, COL 29H)
    CARLOC  EQU     $-2                     ; Self modifying code (CAR loc)
            CALL    MOVEIT                  ; Move cursor to DH,DL (car loc)
    ;  Erase the car at old screen location
            MOV     AL,20H                  ; Print 5 spaces
            PUSH    AX
            OUT     61H,AL                  ;   Turn off speaker (AL=00100000b)
            MOV     BL,70H                                                ;^^
            MOV     CL,5
            INT     10H
            MOV     AX,0E0AH                ; Move cursor to next line
            INT     10H
            POP     AX                      ; Print 5 more spaces
            INT     10H
    ;  Move to new car location based on shift key status
            MOV     CL,40H                  ; Get shift key status
            MOV     ES,CX                   ;   (=MOV ES,0040H)
            MOV     AL,[BYTE PTR ES:0017H]
            TEST    AL,1                    ; Right SHIFT key pressed?
            JZ      TRYLFT                  ;    No...Try left shift
            INC     DX                      ;    Yes..move car right 1 space
    TRYLFT: TEST    AL,2                    ; Left SHIFT key pressed?
            JZ      KEYEND                  ;    No...done checking keys
            DEC     DX                      ;    Yes..move car left 1 space
    KEYEND: MOV     [WORD PTR DS:CARLOC],DX ; Save new car location in memory
                                            ; (That is the self-modifying part)
            PUSH    DX                      ; Save car location on stack also
    ;  Scroll the track down one line
            MOV     AX,0701H                ; Scroll screen down 1 line
            CALL    SCROLL                  ;   this also sets BH=0 and BL=2
                                            ;   and homes the cursor
            MOV     CL,40                   ; Print left side of track
    LMARGN  EQU     $-1                     ;   (Pointer to Left Margin)
            INT     10H
            MOV     DX,CX                   ; Find right side of track position
            ADD     DX,26                   ;   (Starting track width = 26)
    TRKWID  EQU     $-1                     ;   (Pointer to Track Width)
            MOV     CL,80
            SUB     CX,DX
            CALL    MOVEIT                  ; Move cursor to right side of track
            INT     10H                     ; Print grass on right side of track
    ;  Print the score in the lower right corner of the screen
            MOV     DX,184EH                ; Screen loc 77,25 bottom right
            CALL    MOVEIT                  ; Move cursor to score location
            MOV     AX,BP                   ; Move Score to AX
            MOV     CL,8                    ; Shift score right 8 bits
            SAR     AX,CL                   ; (This makes it hard to get to Z!)
            ADD     AX,0E00H+65             ; MOV AH,0Eh & Convert score to A-Z 
            INT     10H                     ; Print the score on the screen
    ;  Check for a collision
            POP     DX                      ; Restore car location from stack
            CALL    MOVEIT                  ; Move cursor under left front tire
            JNZ     PCAR                    ; Hit something? Yes... Print our
                                            ;   red car and exit the game
            PUSH    DX                      ; Save left tire position to stack
            ADD     DL,4                    ; Move cursor under right front tire
            CALL    MOVEIT                  ; Check to see if we hit something
            POP     DX                      ;    Restore our car position
            JNZ     PCAR                    ; Hit something? Yes... Print our
                                            ;   red car and exit the game
            PUSH    DX                      ; Save car position to stack
    ;  No collision, go ahead and print our car (red)
            CALL    PCAR                    ; Print our red car (CX=8)
    ;  Slow game down by waiting for 3 vertical retraces and play sound effects
            MOV     CL,3                    ; CX is delay invertical retraces
    DELAY:  MOV     DX,03DAH                ; Video screen port
    HERE:   IN      AL,DX                   ; Get current video status
            TEST    AL,8                    ; Check vertical retrace bit
            JNE     HERE                    ; Wait for 1 full vertical retrace
    HERE2:                                  ; Turn on and off speaker...
            ADD     AL,[BYTE PTR DS:005DH]  ;   (Check command line for Q)
            DEC     AX                      ;   (which is for Quiet mode.)
            OUT     61H,AL                  ; while waiting for screen refresh
            IN      AL,DX
            TEST    AL,8
            JE      HERE2
            LOOP    DELAY                   ; Go wait for another until CX=0
    ;  Keep track of our current score
            INC     BP                      ; Count lines printed so far (score)
    ;  Adjust size and placement of track
            POP     DX                      ; Restore our car position fm stack
            MOV     AX,BP                   ; TEST AL=2 bytes, TEST BP=4 bytes
            TEST    AL,255                  ; Make track smaller each 256 lines
            JNZ     NOCHG                   ;   Go around if not time for change
            DEC     [BYTE PTR DS:TRKWID]    ;   Change width (Self-mod code!)
            TEST    AL,9                    ; Make track wavy every so often
            JNZ     ENEMY                   ;  Time to go straight
            TEST    AL,128                  ;  Left or right?
            JZ      LEFT
            ADD     [BYTE PTR DS:LMARGN],2  ; -Move right 2 spaces (Self-mod!)
    ;        INC     DX                      ;    Make sure that enemy car
    ;        INC     DX                      ;      stays ON the track. (TAI)
    LEFT:   DEC     [BYTE PTR DS:LMARGN]    ; -Move left 1 space   (Self-mod!)
    ;        DEC     DX                      ;    Make sure that enemy car
                                            ;      stays ON the track. (TAI)
    ;  Draw an opponent car every 15 screen lines
    ENEMY:                                  ; Our car position is in DX register
            MOV     DH,0                    ; Make it into enemy position using
                                            ; True Artificial Intellegence (tm)
                                            ; ^    ^          ^  TAI :-)
            TEST    AL,15                   ; Every 15 lines print enemy car
            MOV     AX,OFFSET GAME          ;    Prepare for RET below
            PUSH    AX                      ;    Use RET as a jump to GAME loop
            JNZ     GOBACK                  ; Not time yet to print enemy car
    ;                PRINT CAR AT SCREEN LOCATION "DX"
    ; On entry:  DH points to line, DL to column, CX to car graphic offset
    ;                                             (8 for red, 0 for blue car)
    ; On exit:  The proper car will be drawn.  Also, if we used CALL PCAR to
    ;           get here we will be returned into the program at that point.
    ;           If we used JNZ PCAR to get here we will be returned to the
    ;           DOS prompt (the game will end).
            PUSH    BP                      ; Save our current score counter
            MOV     BP,OFFSET CAR2          ; Point to the car graphic
            ADD     BP,CX                   ;   Add offset to proper car
            SUB     BYTE PTR [BP+4],24      ; Print stripe on hood of car
            MOV     AX,1302H                ; Print the car to the screen
            PUSH    AX                      ;    AX may change in INT 10h call
            MOV     CL,5                    ;    Graphic is 5 characters wide
            PUSH    DS                      ;    It is located in the data seg
            POP     ES                      ;      but INT 10h needs that in ES
            INT     10H                     ; Print the first line of the car
            ADD     BYTE PTR [BP+4],24      ; Print cockpit and rear stripe
            POP     AX                      ; (=MOV AX,1302H)
            INC     DH                      ; Point to next line of the screen
            INT     10H                     ; Print the second line of the car
            POP     BP                      ; Restore current score counter
            DB      0DCH,70H,0DEH,71H,0D2H,1FH,0DDH,71H     ; Blue car graphic
            DB      0DCH,70H                                ;   Common tire
            DB      0DEH,74H,0D2H,4EH,0DDH,74H,0DCH,70H     ; Red car graphic
    ;                     SCROLL SCREEN DOWN "AL" LINES
    ;                      (or if AH=6, clear screen)
    ; On entry:  AH must be 7, AL must be number of lines to scroll (1)
    ; On exit:   BH will be 0, BL will be 2 and we will fall through to
    ;            MOVEIT to home the cursor.             ^^^^^^^^^^^^
            MOV     BH,70H                  ; Use Black on Gray (road color)
            XOR     CX,CX                   ;   From UL corner (=MOV CX,0)
            MOV     DX,184FH                ;   to LR corner
            INT     10H
            MOV     BX,02                   ; Set BH to 0 and BL to 2 for use
                                            ;   when we return.
            XOR     DX,DX                   ; Now, home the cursor  (=MOV DX,0)
            MOV     AH,2                    ; Move cursor to DH,DL
            INT     10H
            MOV     AH,8                    ; Get the character under cursor
            INT     10H
            CMP     AL,20H                  ; Is it a space? (set Z flag)
            MOV     AX,09DBH                ; Set AH to 9 and AL to 0DBh for
            RET                             ;  use just after we return (don't
                                            ;  worry, Z flag will still be set)
    CODE    ENDS
            END     START