I've recently started learning Java. My teacher has given us this homework assignment which is about writing and converting the If-Else statement code below into a Switch-Case statement code. I wrote the If-Else statement code correctly but i haven't been able to convert my if and else-if to a switch case statements. The sooner I can get an answer the better. Thank you.
ive tried adding a switch and then changing each number to case 1, case 2,etc.
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class ExerciseV {
public static void main(String [] args){
String rating;
String performance;
rating = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is your rating for the gymnast from (1-10)?");
System.out.println("You scored the performance a rating of: " + rating);
performance = "BAD";
System.out.println("You typed in the number "+ rating +" so they had a "+ performance +" performance.");
else if(rating.equals("Four")||rating.equalsIgnoreCase("four")||rating.equalsIgnoreCase("4")||
System.out.println("You scored the performance a rating of: " + rating);
performance = "AVERAGE";
System.out.println("You typed in the number "+rating+" so they had a "+performance+" performance.");
all this is correct but i just dont know where and how to put the switch cases into this program.
I think this code could help you
switch(rating.toUpperCase()) {
case "ONE":
case "1":
case "TWO":
case "2":
performance = "BAD";
case "THREE":
case "3":
Now, adapt this type of solution to your real problem