Goal I have it to display different HTML with onclick vs. route
Without logic in the Render() const contents = this.state.data.map(item => (
This is the logic I'm struggling with
<button id={item.Member_ID} type="button"
{` ${this.isExist(item.Member_ID) ? <Link to='surveysai/'>
<button type="button" className='btn btn-success'>SAI</button> </Link>
: ${onClick={(e) => this.downloadUser(item.Member_ID, e)}}`}
className={`btn ${this.isExist(item.Member_ID) ? "btn-success" : "btn-warning"}`} > {this.isExist(item.Member_ID) ? "SAI" : "Ready for Download"}</button>
This WORKS from button class:
<button id={item.Member_ID} type="button"
className={`btn ${this.isExist(item.Member_ID) ? "btn-success" : "btn-warning"}`} > {this.isExist(item.Member_ID) ? "SAI" : "Ready for Download"}</button>
Below is OLD code BEFORE changing to conditional , below is not code i want , for reference only.
<button id={item.Member_ID} type="button" onClick={(e) => this.downloadUser(item.Member_ID,e)}
className={() => this.checkItem(item.Member_ID)}>Ready for Download</button>
Link route redirect
<Link to='surveysai/'>
<button type="button" className="btn btn-success">SAI</button>
Why don't you conditionally render either the Link
or the button.
{this.isExist(item.Member_ID) ? (
<Link to='surveysai/'>
<button type="button" className='btn btn-success'>SAI</button>
) : (
onClick={(e) => this.downloadUser(item.Member_ID, e)}
className={`btn ${this.isExist(item.Member_ID) ? "btn-success" : "btn-warning"}`}> {this.isExist(item.Member_ID) ? "SAI" : "Ready for Download"} .
Also, you don't actually need to render a button inside of a Link
, assuming this is a React Router Link
component. You can just pass classnames as props like:
<Link to="/wherever" className="btn btn-success" />