I want to play sound (.wav, as byte[]) in one of my apps I develop using Vaadin 14
. Unfortunately I did not find a component for this use case.
Vaadin 8 offered Audio
(https://vaadin.com/api/framework/8.5.2/com/vaadin/ui/Audio.html) but it is not available in Vaadin 14.
I think there is a solution by simply using HTML <audio>
and import this.
<audio src="test.wav" controls autoplay loop>
Is there also a "Vaadin 14"-solution for this?
As we mentioned in comments, there is no out-of-the-box component in V14, but it's quite easy to make an own one as described here : Creating a Simple Component Using the Element API :)
So I've checked it briefly and this seems to work:
import com.vaadin.flow.component.Component;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.Tag;
public class AudioPlayer extends Component {
public AudioPlayer(){
public void setSource(String path){
AudioPlayer player=new AudioPlayer();
I don't have any music file locally, so taken some random one from internet and passed as a source. That's, of course, not a bulletproof solution, just a proof of concept : )