I'm new to M and would like to create an "if, then, else statement" based on values inside a list.
Basically I have 4 lists:
FoodCompanies = {"Nestlé", "Pepsico", "Unilever"},
ClothingCompanies = {"Nike", "Ralph Lauren", "Old Navy"},
TechCompanies = {"Apple", "Samsung", "IBM"},
AllCompanies = {FoodCompanies,ClothingCompanies,TechCompanies}
Now I want to create a conditional column that checks for another column (tag) if one of the values is present and based on that makes a calculation.
| ItemId| DateOfSale | tag |
| 001 | 01/01/1980 | Nestlé |
| 002 | 01/01/1980 | Nike, Apple |
| 003 | 01/01/1980 | Unilever, Old Navy, IBM |
| 004 | 01/01/1980 | Samsung |
So ... I start like this:
#"Added Conditional Column" = Table.AddColumn(#"Renamed Columns3", "type", each
Single values
if [tag] = "" then "Empty tag"
else if [tag] = "Nestlé" then "Nestlé"
else if [tag] = "Nike" then "Nike"
Multiple values
It's for the multiple values I don't know how to create the logic
If tag contains more then 1 value from FoodCompanies but not from ClosthingCompanies or Techcompanies I want it to be "FoodCompanies"
If tag contains more then 1 value from ClothingCompanies but not from FoodCompanies or Techcompanies I want it to be "ClothingCompanies"
If tag contains 2 values from AllCompanies it should be "MixedCompanies"
if tag contains all values from AllCompanies it should be "AllofThem"
Anyone can help me on the way? I would do it like
else if List.Count(FoodCompanies) > 1 and ( List.Count(ClothingCompanies) < 1 or List.Count(Techcompanies) < 1) then "FoodCompanies"
but how do I evaluate it against the tag value?
Here's one approach, which converts your list of companies to a table, matches the tag values, filters the results, then determines the output:
#"Renamed Columns3" = //your previous step here
fnMatchingList = (MyList) =>
AllLists = #table(type table [#"ListName"=text, #"ListValues"=list],
{{"FoodCompanies",{"Nestlé", "Pepsico", "Unilever"}},
{"ClothingCompanies", {"Nike", "Ralph Lauren", "Old Navy"}},
{"TechCompanies",{"Apple", "Samsung", "IBM"}}}),
FullList = Table.ExpandListColumn(AllLists, "ListValues"),
Match = Table.AddColumn(FullList, "Match", each List.Contains(MyList,[ListValues])),
Filtered = Table.SelectRows(Match, each ([Match] = true)),
Output = if Table.RowCount(Filtered) = 1 then Filtered{0}[ListValues] else
if List.Distinct(Filtered[ListName]) = List.Distinct(FullList[ListName]) then "AllCompanies" else
Text.Combine(List.Distinct(Filtered[ListName]),", ")
#"Added Matching List" = Table.AddColumn(#"Previous Step", "taglist", each if [tag] = null or [tag] = "" then "(Empty Tag)" else fnMatchingList(Text.Split([tag],", ")))
Edit: to aid understanding, here's a standalone query which you can step through, to see what the function is actually doing:
MyList = {"Pepsico", "Nike"},
AllLists = #table(type table [#"ListName"=text, #"ListValues"=list],
{{"FoodCompanies",{"Nestlé", "Pepsico", "Unilever"}},
{"ClothingCompanies", {"Nike", "Ralph Lauren", "Old Navy"}},
{"TechCompanies",{"Apple", "Samsung", "IBM"}}}),
FullList = Table.ExpandListColumn(AllLists, "ListValues"),
Match = Table.AddColumn(FullList, "Match", each List.Contains(MyList,[ListValues])),
Filtered = Table.SelectRows(Match, each ([Match] = true)),
Output = if Table.RowCount(Filtered) = 1 then Filtered{0}[ListValues] else
if List.Distinct(Filtered[ListName]) = List.Distinct(FullList[ListName]) then "AllCompanies" else
Text.Combine(List.Distinct(Filtered[ListName]),", ")