I have a project where I have tests where I deliberately cause a problem and then verify the code responds the way I want it. For this I want to be sure the exceptions not only are the right class but they must also carry the right message.
So in one of my existing (junit 4) tests I have something similar to this:
public class MyTests {
public final ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
public void testLoadingResourcesTheBadWay(){
expectedEx.expectMessage(allOf(startsWith("Unable to load "), endsWith(" resources.")));
I'm currently looking into fully migrating to junit 5 which no longer supports the @Rule and now has the assertThrows that seems to replace this.
What I have not been able to figure out how to write a test that not only checks the exception(class) that is thrown but also the message attached to that exception.
What is the proper way to write such a test in Junit 5?
Since Assertions.assertThrows
returns instance of your exception you can invoke getMessage
on the returned instance and make assertions on this message :
Executable executable = () -> sut.method(); //prepare Executable with invocation of the method on your system under test
Exception exception = Assertions.assertThrows(MyCustomException.class, executable); // you can even assign it to MyCustomException type variable
assertEquals(exception.getMessage(), "exception message"); //make assertions here