I'm trying to change this query to a query with prepared statement, but I have some problem because of conditions. This is my basic query :
function ResponseByQuery($link,$idQuery,$Boutique=null, $agency=null){
$from_agence = "";
$req_agence = "";
$req_boutique = "";
$req_boutique = " AND C.idUser ='" . $Boutique . "' ";
$from_agence = ", infos_client as IRC2";
$req_agence = " AND IRC.idClient = IRC2.idClient
AND IRC2.valueInfo = '". $agency."'";
$sql = "SELECT distinct(C.idClient), R.indiceRequete
FROM `infos_client` as IRC, client as C, user as U, requete as R ".$from_agence."
WHERE IRC.idQuery='" . $idQuery . "'".
"AND IRC.idCl = C.idCl
AND C.idUser=U.idUser".$req_agence;
$result = mysqli_query($link,$sql) or die("Query (- $sql -) failed");
$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
I changed it to this :
function ResponseByQuery($link,$idQuery,$Boutique=null, $agency=null){
$from_agence = "";
$req_agence = "";
$req_boutique = "";
$req_boutique = " AND C.idUser ='" . $Boutique . "' ";
$from_agence = ", infos_client as IRC2";
$req_agence = " AND IRC.idClient = IRC2.idClient
AND IRC2.valueInfo = '". $agency."'";
$sql = "SELECT distinct(C.idClient), R.indiceRequete
FROM `infos_client` as IRC, client as C, user as U, requete as R ".$from_agence."
WHERE IRC.idQuery =?".
"AND IRC.idCl = C.idCl
AND C.idUser=U.idUser".$req_agence;
$stmt = $link->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bind_param('i', $idQuery);
$result = $stmt->execute() or die("Query (- $sql -) failed");
$result = $stmt->get_result();
$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
but I don't know how can I change conditions($req_boutique,$req_agence)
to prepared statement?
You can replace the inlined variables in your $req_boutique
and $req_agence
conditions with placeholders, and then conditionally bind values to them:
$req_boutique = " AND C.idUser = ? ";
$from_agence = ", infos_client as IRC2";
$req_agence = " AND IRC.idClient = IRC2.idClient
AND IRC2.valueInfo = ? ";
$sql = "SELECT distinct(C.idClient), R.indiceRequete
FROM `infos_client` as IRC, client as C, user as U, requete as R ".$from_agence."
WHERE IRC.idQuery =? ".
"AND IRC.idCl = C.idCl
AND C.idUser=U.idUser".$req_agence;
$stmt = $link->prepare($sql);
$types = 'i';
$vars = [$idQuery];
if ($Boutique != null) {
$types .= 's';
$vars[] = $Boutique;
if ($agency!= null) {
$types .= 's';
$vars[] = $agency;
$stmt->bind_param($types, ...$vars);