I am using Netbeans and I am trying to figure out how I can put all of my libraries, music, images, etc. in one JAR file for distribution. I think I have the libraries figured out, but the audio, images, and other such files are giving me trouble.
In my current project I have an audio file that I want to embed in the JAR file too. First I tried one-jar
but after a couple of hours I gave up on it. I put the audio file into the JAR file just fine, but I cannot access it from my program. I know I need to use getResourceAsStream
as suggested here but I am unclear what I do after I get the input stream. The only way I can see to make it work is to use use the InputStream
and create a whole new file (seen below... and it works), but creating a new file seems like a waste (and I don't want people to see an audio file appear when my program is running). Is there no way to directly access the audio file while it is still contained in the .JAR
File file = new File("myAudio.wav");
InputStream stream = mypackage.MyApp.class.getResourceAsStream("audio/myAudio.wav");
try {
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
byte buf[] = new byte[1024];
int len;
while ((len = inputStream.read(buf)) > 0) {
out.write(buf, 0, len);
} catch (IOException e) {
The internal structure of my JAR file Contains 1.) a library package (Jama), 2.) my package which is the direct parent of my class files and a folder called "audio" which contains myAudio.wav
, and 3.) a META-INF
folder which contains my manifest.mf
Audio stream is read something like this. I have tried to use the InputStream
directly but I have not had success. I want to point out again that I already have it when I create a new audio file from the input stream of the audio file contained JAR
file, but like I said before, it seems like a waste to create a big audio file every time a program is run when the file already exists in the JAR
. This file recreation is what I am trying to avoid.
AudioInputStream stream;
Clip music;
try {
stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(file);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) {
try {
music = AudioSystem.getClip();
} catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public void start() throws Exception {
music.open((AudioInputStream) stream);
Doesn't AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(stream);
work for you?