Unity beginner here, I have a random prefab spawner attached to my game in Unity which randomly spawns 3 prefabs. The problem is, sometimes I get the same prefab like 5 times in a row. How can I prevent the same prefab from spawning twice in a row? Here is my code:
public class randomspawnscript : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject prefab1, prefab2, prefab3;
public float spawnRate = 2f;
float nextSpawn = 0f;
int whatToSpawn;
void Update()
if (collisionbutton.end != true || gameoverscreenrestart.restartPressed==true || gameovermainmenu.menuPressed==true)
if (Time.time > nextSpawn)
whatToSpawn = Random.Range(1, 4);
switch (whatToSpawn)
case 1:
Instantiate(prefab1, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
case 2:
Instantiate(prefab2, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
case 3:
Instantiate(prefab3, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
nextSpawn = Time.time + spawnRate;
A simple way using the Unity's in build Random system is just to create a list of possible generated numbers, and pick a random number from that list, like so:
public class randomspawnscript : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject prefab1, prefab2, prefab3;
public float spawnRate = 2f;
float nextSpawn = 0f;
int whatToSpawn;
private void Awake() {
// To not get a null ref error when generating the controlled random
// for the first time.
whatToSpawn = 0;
void Update() {
if (/* ... */) {
if (Time.time > nextSpawn) {
whatToSpawn = GetControlledRandom();
switch (whatToSpawn) {
nextSpawn = Time.time + spawnRate;
} else {
int GetControlledRandom() {
List<int> possibleChoices = new List<int> {
1, 2, 3
// Removes what was spawned before from the possible choices.
return possibleChoices[Random.Range(0, possibleChoices.Count)];
Alternatively, the more simpler way is to just keep generating a number until you get the one you are satisfied with, like so:
int RetardedControlledRandom() {
int generatedNumber;
do {
generatedNumber = Random.Range(1, 4);
} while (generatedNumber == whatToSpawn);
return generatedNumber;
This can help if you decide to use the .NET provided System.Random
Also, note that currently most of your values/variables are hardcode.
(Aka it does not dynamically suit to spawning more than 4 types of prefab)
Unity Inspector accepts an array too, so you can make use of that and refactor your code like so:
public class randomspawnscript : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject[] possibleSpawnPrefabs;
public float spawnRate = 2f;
float nextSpawn = 0f;
int whatToSpawn;
private void Awake() {
whatToSpawn = 0;
void Update() {
if (collisionbutton.end != true || gameoverscreenrestart.restartPressed == true || gameovermainmenu.menuPressed == true) {
if (Time.time > nextSpawn) {
whatToSpawn = GetControlledRandom();
var prefabToSpawn = possibleSpawnPrefabs[whatToSpawn];
Instantiate(prefabToSpawn, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
nextSpawn = Time.time + spawnRate;
} else {
int GetControlledRandom() {
List<int> possibleChoices = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < possibleSpawnPrefabs.Length; ++i) {
// Removes what was spawned before from the possible choices.
return possibleChoices[Random.Range(0, possibleChoices.Count)];