So I had this idea that's way over my head really since I've only been programming for a short while but I wanted to build a reactive Spring webflux app that exposes json endpoints to a react frontend.
The problem started when I decided to use the jsonb format in Postgres because I thought I might use json all the way from the DB up until the frontend layer.
When I try to SELECT the table with jsonb using the reactive R2dbc drivers I get the following error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 3802 is not a valid object id
I have a table in postgres that looks like this:
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null | generated always as identity
details | jsonb | | |
"snacks_new_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
So if I extract this as text to Spring webflux it works fine since it's no longer json.
"SELECT id, details->>'name' as NAME, details->>'price' AS PRICE, details->>'quantity' AS QUANTITY FROM snacks_new"
I've seen some examples on how to convert jsonb to an json object using the older blocking drivers but I can't get the same to work with the newer non-blocking ones, I can't access them in any way.
So I have 2 questions really, how can I SELECT a table that contains jsonb using reactive drivers, and am I wasting my time trying to do this, is extracting the json as text and creating a normal POJO from it enough?
Thanks for your time!
Update: Please upgrade to R2DBC Postgres 0.8.0.RC1.
The driver added recently support for JSON and JSONB types. You can consume JSON either as String
, byte[]
or io.r2dbc.postgresql.codec.Json
// Read as Json
connection.createStatement("SELECT my_json FROM my_table")
.flatMap(it ->, rowMetadata) -> row.get("my_json", Json.class)))
// Read as String
connection.createStatement("SELECT my_json FROM my_table")
.flatMap(it ->, rowMetadata) -> row.get("my_json", String.class)))
// Write JSON
connection.createStatement("INSERT INTO my_table (my_json) VALUES($1)")
.bind("$1", Json.of("{\"hello\": \"world\"}"))
// Write JSON as String using ::JSON casting
connection.createStatement("INSERT INTO my_table (my_json) VALUES($1::JSON)")
.bind("$1", "{\"hello\": \"world\"}")
Please note that when you want to bind JSON values for a SELECT
, then you must either use the driver Json
type or cast the binding value with $1::JSON
to JSON.
You can also provide your own JsonCodec
implementation leveraging the driver's CodecRegistrar
if you e.g. want to use GSON or Jackson to map serialize/deserialize values on the driver level.