public class TABLE
public int ID { get; set; }
public int ONEFIELD { get; set; }
// -------------------- ForeignKey --------------------
public long PeopleID { get; set; }
public virtual People People { get; set; }
public class People
public long PeopleID { get; set; }
public int CountryID { get; set; }
I need to build a lambda to query this MODEL :
LINQ equivalent
.Where(e => e.ONEFIELD == 1)
.Include(e => e.People)
.Where(i=>i.People.CountryID == 6);
My try
public static Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> BuildLambda<TEntity>(OBJTYPE obj)
var item = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "table");
Expression query = null;
// 1
var prop1 = Expression.Property(item, "ONEFIELD");
var value1 = Expression.Constant(1);
var equal1 = Expression.Equal(prop1, value1);
var lambdaFIELDONE = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(equal1, item);
query = lambdaFIELDONE.Body;
// 2
var prop2 = Expression.Property(item, typeof(People).Name + ".CountryID");
var value2 = Expression.Constant(6);
var equal2 = Expression.Equal(prop2, value2);
var lambdaCOUNTRYID = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(equal2, item);
query = Expression.And(query, lambdaCOUNTRYID);
but I receive this error
System.ArgumentException: Instance property 'People.CountryID' is not defined for type 'SOLUTION.Models.TABLE'
I don't need Generic, just a fixed lambda (and I couldn't use LINQ).
I tried several things to catch People.CountryID like
Expression.Property(item1, typeof(People).GetProperty("CountryID"));
Expression.Property(item, typeof(People).Name+"." + typeof(People).GetProperty("CountryID"));
Expression.Property(item, typeof(People).Name + "." + typeof(People).GetProperties().Where(x => x.Name == "CountryID").FirstOrDefault().Name);
no success
Any ideas ? thanks
So, to build a nested property access, you must nest the Expression
s that access each level. Then you can combine the tests into a body and finally create the lambda for the result:
public static Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> BuildLambda<TEntity>(OBJTYPE obj) {
// (TEntity table)
var parmTable = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "table");
// table.ONEFIELD
var prop1 = Expression.Property(parmTable, "ONEFIELD");
// table.ONEFIELD == 1
var equal1 = Expression.Equal(prop1, Expression.Constant(1));
// table.People
var prop2_1 = Expression.Property(parmTable, nameof(People));
// table.People.CountryID
var prop2_2 = Expression.Property(prop2_1, "CountryID");
// table.People.CountryID == 6
var equal2 = Expression.Equal(prop2_2, Expression.Constant(6));
// table.ONEFIELD == 1 && table.People.CountryID == 6
var finalBody = Expression.AndAlso(equal1, equal2);
// table => table.ONEFIELD == 1 && table.People.CountryID == 6
return Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(finalBody, parmTable);
Using LINQPad, you could create a sample lambda and then use the Dump
method and you would see that a nested FieldExpression
is created, which is what gets created when you call Expression.Property
Expression<Func<TEntity, int>> f = t => t.People.CountryID;