Lets say I have a enum
public enum PricingFlags : long
that has a value of 100000000000100001111111000010001_2 or 4296080913. Basically a collection of flags like
Aggregate = 1L << 7,
logical OR'ed together. I am using version 2.3.1.
I tried adding EnumPassthru in attribute
[ProtoContract(ImplicitFields = ImplicitFields.AllPublic, EnumPassthru = true)]
or in protobuf specification,
RuntimeTypeModel.Default[typeof(PricingFlags)].EnumPassthru = true;
after googling I found https://github.com/protobuf-net/protobuf-net/issues/219 that told me there is a chance that it should work, but it did not. Am I doing something wrong?
I ended up changing the property to have a backing field and making it a proto member and ignoring the property itself.
[ProtoMember(9021, Name = "Flags")]
private long _flagsValue;
public PricingFlags Flags
get => (PricingFlags)_flagsValue;
set => _flagsValue = (long)value;
My advice for today would be: declare a shadow property (perhaps private) that exposes the data as a long, doing the cast in your code.
The V2 enum code is kinda ugly for this. I'm smashing this in V3 (basically all enums become native passthrus) so I will add these as test scenarios for V3.